Choosing To File For Personal Injury CompensationChoosing To File For Personal Injury Compensation

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Choosing To File For Personal Injury Compensation

As soon as I started working full time at a factory, I could tell that the management was cutting corners. They didn't have any kind of safety equipment there for us to use, and it was really frustrating to deal with. One day, one of the pieces of equipment malfunctioned and damaged my arm. At first, I chalked it up as a simple accident, but when I saw how my business handled it, I knew that I needed to take legal action. I worked with a lawyer to sue for personal injury liability, and I won enough money to pay my medical bills and live comfortably for awhile. This blog is all about choosing to file a lawsuit with a personal injury lawyer.

Even Minor Accidents Can Cause Pain And Suffering

Pain and suffering is a type of compensation awarded in personal injury cases to compensate the injured party for the physical and emotional distress they experienced because of the accident and their injuries. These damages are meant to address the non-economic losses that are not easily quantifiable, such as physical pain, emotional anguish, and reduced quality of life. Even if the accident injuries were relatively minor, an injured person may still be eligible to receive pain and suffering damages. 

  • Subjectivity of Pain: Two individuals with seemingly similar injuries may have vastly different pain thresholds and responses to pain. Even minor injuries can cause significant pain and discomfort to some individuals, and the law recognizes that they should be compensated for the pain they endured.
  • Impact on Daily Life: Even minor injuries can disrupt a person's daily life, causing inconvenience and limitations. For example, a person with a minor neck injury might experience discomfort while performing routine tasks, leading to a reduced quality of life. Pain and suffering damages attempt to acknowledge and compensate for these disruptions.
  • Emotional Distress: An accident can be a traumatic experience, even if it was minor. Emotional distress, anxiety, fear, and mental anguish may follow, impacting the injured person's well-being. Pain and suffering compensation is intended to address these emotional consequences.
  • Recovery Time: Although the injuries may be minor, the recovery process can still be prolonged and require medical treatments, physical therapy, and other forms of care. Pain and suffering compensation can account for the distress caused during the recovery period.
  • Long-Term Effects: Sometimes, even minor injuries can have long-term effects on a person's health and well-being. For instance, a seemingly minor back injury might lead to chronic pain and limitations in the future. Pain and suffering damages aim to account for these potential long-term consequences.
  • Loss of Enjoyment: Minor injuries may prevent an individual from participating in activities they once enjoyed. Pain and suffering compensation can compensate for the loss of enjoyment of life caused by the accident.

It's essential to recognize that pain and suffering compensation is typically not calculated based solely on the severity of the injuries but on the overall impact the accident had on the individual's life. 

If you've been injured in an accident, even if your injuries appear to be minor, it's crucial to consult with a personal injury attorney who can evaluate your case and make sure that you receive fair compensation for your pain, suffering, and any other damages you may be entitled to under the law.

Talk with a personal injury attorney to learn more.